The Sub 37 is an analog and digital synthesizer crossover with an analog signal path controlled by digitally generated modulators and contour generators. Based around a three octave keyboard and constructed from a steel chassis with wooden end pieces the Sub 37 is a heavy duty synthesiser which combines the best of both worlds to create a truly versatile instrument.
Loaded with all the essential Moog features the Sub 37 incorporates two oscillators plus a noise generator to construct a dense sonic foundation, ladder filter with resonance, multidrive and selectable filter slopes. Also featuring a syncable arpeggiator and step sequencer the Sub 37 provides all the tools you need to produce fantastic sounding electronic music.
The Moog Sub 37 has 256 on board memory locations perfect for quick recall of all your tones. The paraphonic operation lets you play each of the two oscillators independently although they share the same single VCA and VCF.
The Sub 37 has more snarl than any other Moog but it's also capable of handling gentler sounds and classic patches. It's an immediate, hands-on synth that gives you that classic Moog sound. The Sub 37's size, triggering options and performance facilities make it many performers' first choice when taking to the stage.
· 37 Note velocity sensitive keyboard with aftertouch
· Perform in Mono or Duo modes
· 2 Modulation busses with assignable source and destinations
· DAHDSR (Delay, Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, Release) looping envelopes with sync
· 256 Presets -16 banks of 16 patches
· Syncable Arpeggiator and Step Sequencer
· Classic Moog Ladder Filter with resonance, MultiDrive, and selectable filter slopes
· Sound Engine: 100 Analog
· Polyphony: Selectable Monophonic or Paraphonic
· Keybed: 37 Note Semi-weighted with After Pressure
· LCD: 128 X 64 pixel LCD with white backlight
· Controllers: Pitch Bend, Mod Wheel, After Pressure, Breath, Velocity
· Sound Sources: 2 Variable Waveshape Oscillators, 1 Square Wave Sub Oscillator, 1 Analog Noise Generator, 1 External Input/Filter Feedback
· Oscillator Calibration Range: 22Hz-6.8KHz. Note range at 8? = 18 - 116
· Glide Module: Assign to Osc1/Osc2/Both. Type - LCR, LCT, EXP, Gated, Legato
· Filter: 20Hz-20Khz Moog Ladder Filter w/ 6/12/18/24 dB/Oct Filter Slopes and MultiDrive
· Transposition: +/- 1 Octaves
· Arpeggiator / Sequencer: Up, Down, Order, Random, Latching, Back/Forth, Invert, +/-2 Range, Tie, Rest, MIDI Sync
Modulation Busses
· Sources: LFO, Filter Envelope, Programmable Sources - Amp Env,Osc1/Osc2 Pitch
· Destinations: Osc1/Osc2/Both Pitch, Filter Cutoff, Osc1/Osc2/Both Wave, VCA, LFO1/LFO2 Rate, Noise Level, EG Time. Programmable Destinations - Filter resonance, drive, slope, EG amt. Osc1/Osc2/Sub Level, Feedback/Ext Level
· LFO Panel Features: Hi/Low Range from .01Hz?1kHz, Midi Sync, KB Reset
· Envelopes: DAHDSR Envelopes with Multi-Trigger, Reset, Looping, MIDI Sync, Latch, and Variable control of EG Delay, Hold, Velocity Amount, KB Tracking.
Inputs / Outputs
· Audio Input: 1xTS
· Audio Output: 1xTS, 1xTRS Headphone with separate volume control
· Presets: 256 Presets - 16 Banks x 16 presets
· MIDI I/O: DIN In/Out, and MIDI over USB
· CV/Gate Inputs: Filter CV, Pitch CV, Volume CV, KB Gate
· Power: 110VAC-240VAC Universal Power Supply with IEC connector
· Weight: 10 Kg
· Dimensions: 17,40cm H x 67,9cm W x 37,50 D